Welcome to Mama Bear Prepare

Here on Mama Bear Prepare, we are parents to a large family that includes eight children. We are a family that has weathered the storms and embraced the joys of a large household. Our family understands the unique challenges that can come with having a large family and preparing for what the future brings.

Our Mission:
The Mama Bear Prepare blog was created from our desire to share our passions for parenting and preparation. We want to help other large families with the informal and knowledge we have gained. We hope to become your trusted resource and companion on your family’s adventure.

Why Mama Bear Prepare?
Mama Bear Prepare is a reflection of our experiences, research, and commitment to supporting other large families. We understand the struggles of juggling schedules, managing household chaos, and preparing our family for long term success.

Our Six Pillars of Preparation:
Mama Bear Prepare stands on the foundation of six pillars, carefully crafted to empower families just like us. These pillars form the bedrock of our philosophy, each reinforcing the other pillars to build a resilient and thriving family unit. As we share our insights, tips, and discoveries. Oour hope is that these pillars resonate with you, helping your family prepare and flourish.

Pillar 1 – Family Prepardiness: Discuss our passion, research, and methods for of emergency preparedness and prepping for a large family.

Pillar 2 – Financial Freedom: Explore avenues for financial independence, planning, budgeting, and side hustling for sustaining a large family.

Pillar 3 – Feeding a Large Family: Discover the tips and tricks we use for effective meal planning, cooking for a large family, and keeping grocery shopping affordable.

Pillar 4 – Food Production at Home: Learn about the strategies we use to grow some of our own food at home on our mini urban homestead. We discuss gardening, composting, and raising animals to become more self sufficient.

Pillar 5 – Family and Faith: Learn about the the spiritual aspects of our lives and how these guide our parenting and preparations. Here we emphasize the significance of faith in fostering a strong family unit.

Pillar 6 – Family Management: Explore strategies we implement as we attempt to create an organized and efficient home, that will accommodate the needs and unique challenges of our large family.

Join us on our Journey:
Thank you for sharing in our journey. We hope our website and shared experiences become a source of inspiration and a knowledge resource for in your family. lessons learned, strategizes, and stories of parenting and preparation.

At Mama Bear Prepare we understand the strength and resilience that can come with embracing the lifestyle of a large family. We wish you the best as we work together to build strong and resilient families that are prepared to thrive.

God Bless.


Mama Bear Prepare